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Lin, Y., Kouznetsova, T., Chang, C., Craig, S. (2024). Data from: Enhanced polymer mechanical degradation through mechanochemically unveiled lactonization. Duke Research Data Repository. V2 http://doi.org/10.7924/r4fq9x365

Chavez, S. P., Silva, Y., & Barros, A. P. (2024). Data from: High-elevation monsoon precipitation processes in the Central Andes of Peru. Duke Research Data Repository. V2 http://doi.org/10.7924/r41n84j94

Jeuland, M., Ohlendorf, N., Saparapa, R., & Steckel, J. (2024). Data from: Climate implications of electrification projects in the developing world: a systematic review. Duke Research Data Repository. http://doi.org/10.7924/r42n55g1z

Cardones, A. R., Hall, III, R. P., Sullivan, K., Hooten, J., Lee, S. Y., Liu, B. L., Green, C., Chao, N., Rowe Nichols, K., Bañez, L., Shah, A., Leung, N., & Palmeri, M. L. (2024). Data from: Quantifying skin stiffness in graft-versus-host disease, morphea and systemic sclerosis using acoustic radiation force impulse imaging and shear wave elastography. Duke Research Data Repository. http://doi.org/10.7924/r4h995b4q
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